Video Work Samples

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8. Strata – Video documentation of Installation, 2021 Multi-channel video projection, 4.0 surround sound. Digital video projection mapped onto various sized planar forms. 31’1” x 80” The Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art, PA

9. Strata (Athabasca) – Video documentation of Installation, 2021 Three-channel digital video on network synched monitors, stereo sound. (3x) 45” x 30” The Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art, PA

10. Kiewa – Video documentation of Installation, 2019 Multi-channel video installation, stereo sound. Digital video projection mapped onto various-sized sculptural forms. 9’7”x 9’9” x 10’ (depth) Grizzly Grizzly, PA.

11. Kiewa (High Plains) 2018/2021 – Excerpt from video Three-channel video projection, stereo sound. Digital video projection mapped onto wall. 12’ x 37’ 1” Murray Art Museum Albury, Australia